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I want to do fingerprint at embassy

By Lily

I want to do fingerprint at embassy


Expedited Business Visa

By Michael

Good day, I would like to apply for an expedited Business Visa for Turkey. I have already purchased my ticket, booked my hotel, acquired the police clearance and all the necessary documents required. I would like to know how I can go about the process in Zimbabwe. What are the prices?



E visa information

By M Wasim Alattar

My nationality is Syria.
I have residency in Saudi and I got schengen visa can I got e-visa for 3 days to Turkey


My spouse’s entry on my student visa

By Ashja Tariq

Hello, I got admission in a turkish university and my husband is sponsoring my degree. Would he be able to come with me during my stay? Also, how much money in bank statement do I need to show?


yasad??? i?lerekar??t??? ö?renildi

By Israil Khan

Kay?t Numaras? (Registration Number) 2022-14-0559506Ba?vuru Türü (Type of Application) ?lk Ba?vuruBa?vurulan ?kamet ?zni Türü (Applied Residence Permit Type)KISA DÖNEMSoyad? ISRAIL : Ad? MUHAMMAD : Baba Ad? SATAN GUL :  Anne Ad?GUL PURADo?um Tarihi : 12 / 3 / 1979Belge No : DN1824522 - Veren Ülke / Makam Pakistan / PAK?STANAdres (Address) ?STANBUL ?L GÖÇ ?DARES? MÜDÜRLÜ?Ü HIRKA-??ER?F MAHALLES? VATAN CADDES? NO:64/ 34091 FAT?H / ?STANBUL 

Sevgili bay?m, Bay Israil Khan'?n Pakistan'da birçok yasad??? i?lerekar??t??? ö?renildi. Bu, kaçakç?l?k, gasp ve di?er insanlar?n topraklar?na elkoymay? içerir. Türk Vatanda?? olmas?na izin verilecek iyi bir insan oldu?undanemin olmak için lütfen geçmi?ini dikkatlice kontrol edin. Ayn? nedenden dolay?Pakistan'daki evlerini de?i?tirmeye devam ediyor. Son zamanlarda birisi onaTürkiye'den bahsetti ve Türkiye'de vatanda?l?k almak için Türkiye'de mülk sat?nalmak için yasad??? olarak kara para aklad?. Lütfen kontrol edin.


90 day


Good day
I am a South African passport holder. Is it possible to obtain a 90 day tourist visa?


Please Re-send evisa # T3646145LRY

By Elizabeth L Russell

My husband must have accidentally deleted the email with our e visas because he can no longer find it and it is not in his spam or junk folder


Visa needed for transit in Istanbul

By Dyah Sandyasari

I am an Indonesian Citizen traveling with Turkish Airlines from Jakarta to Norway/Schengen with a few hours transit in Istanbul. I will not leave the transit area during my short stay in Istanbul airport. Do I need a Turkish Transit Visa? I am returning 3 months later, the same route. Please reply to my emailadress. Thank you.


Cancelling my e visa application

By Bhumika Naidu Mysore Harishkumar

I would want to cancel my application


Looking for a job

By Valeria Chirita

Hello Sir/Madam!
May i know please, if The Embassy of Turkey in Chisinau is hiring now moldavian citizen for available role ?
My name is Valeria Chirita, my contact phone number +373 69998288.
Thank you!


Work visa in Turkey for Ukrainian citizen who is in Bahrain

By Liliia Tkachenko

Dear, sirs
My name in Liliia Tkachenko
Nationality: Ukraine
I am in Kingdom of Bahrain now.
Do I have opportunity to apply on working visa in Manama Kingdom of Bahrain embassy? If it is possible I would like to know the list of necessary documents for working visa.
your reply would be appreciated
Thank you


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Apply for Turkey eVisa