Nicaraguan Embassy in Ankara

Welcome! The Nicaraguam Embassy in the Turkey is located in Ankara.

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Weather   Wed, Feb 19, 12:19
 1° C,  Light snow,  wind 2.24 m/s,  1019 hpa
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Head of Mission: Mario Antonio Barquero Baltodano, Ambassador

Granted Visa Types

Visa Types Granted By Nicaragua Are;

  • Nicaragua Tourist Visa (T)
  • Nicaragua Business Visa (B)
  • Employment Visa (E)
  • Nicaragua Project Visa
  • Nicaragua Students Visa
  • Nicaragua Research Visa (R)
  • Nicaragua Journalist Visa (J)
  • Nicaragua Conference Visa (C)
  • Nicaragua Transit Visa (TR)
  • Nicaragua Entry Visa (X)
  • Nicaragua Missionary Visa
  • Nicaragua Mountaineering Visa
  • Nicaragua Medical &Medical Attendant Visa
  • Nicaragua Film Visa
  • Nicaragua Gratis Visas
  • Nicaragua Visas for Diplomatic/ Official Passport/ Laissez-Passers/UN Passport holders

*Please help us to update with correct information for Nicaraguan Embassy in Ankara , if you find this information is not correct.

Youen Youene Abdour-rahmane

Good evining ! My name is Youen Youene. I am an cameroonian citizen. I am resident in Turkey. I need more information about Nicaragua's visa. Could you please tell me if I need a visa to visit Nicaragua? Thanks, Abdour--rahmane Youen Youene


Madam/Sir, Good evening I hope this message finds you in the right form Indeed,I would like to have the information for the procedure of obtaining a visitor visa for Nicaragua. Pending a favorable response, please accept Madam ,Sir the expression of my distinguished greetings.  Cordially.

Afonso diluakanga nsumbu

Je besoin de parler avec vous

Boss Mboka

Good morning! My name is MBoka. I am an Angolan citizen. I am resident in Turkey. I need more information about Nicaragua's visa. Could you please tell me if I need a visa to visit Nicaragua? Thanks, Boss Mboka

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