Turkey e-Government Password Application

The e-Government Gateway is a big platform giving access to all public services from a single website. The efficiency and effectiveness of Kapi helps public institutions, individuals, and businesses with important information and other communication technologies. The Prime Minister of Turkey officially authorized the e-Government website to hold all the information required by anyone residing in the country in 2006.
Anyone who wishes to get access to first-hand information from the government about laws, regulations and legal procedures can get it on e-state application. Since this is only for Turkish citizens, every individual is given a password, which can only be issued after showing proof of relation to Turkey.
The simple infrastructure of the website includes e-government passwords made available to the Turkish citizens by the online Foreign Representative. These are all connected to the database at the Ministry. Apart from Turkish citizens, individuals who are 15 or older can also get an e-government password. Additionally, foreign nationals who have been issued a Blue Card by the foreign representatives are also eligible for a password.
Delivery of the Password
When an applicant receives an e-government password through delivery, a receipt is signed. This proves that the e-state gate password has been received by the individual who requested it. Additionally, if the applicant is illiterate, a thumb impression is sufficient at the time of delivery. The person who brings the password to the applicant reads the document and gets the thumbprint instead of a signature.
Individuals who are physically handicapped can also apply for an e-government password and simply give their thumb impression on receiving the password. In case the person cannot use his or her hands, a seal or a mark can be used that proves authority of receipt. Citizens who have a criminal record from abroad for any reason will not be banned from obtaining the e-state password.
Application Process
All Turkish citizens can get an e-government password for free and the individual must apply using the passport or the ID card. Foreigners are required to show their foreign identification number at the time of application and Blue Card holders are required to show that. Those citizens who wish to get an e-government password should apply in person at the Consulate General London.
Note: All citizens of Turkey are eligible for an e-government password and the application can be made online. Those individuals who have a criminal record and have been condemned by a foreign court can also apply for an e-state password.
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