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Türkiye'ye tıbbi vize danışmanı


Merhaba, Suriyeliyim, Bulgaristan'da ikamet ediyorum. 3 yıllık insani ikametim var. Tedavi olmak için Türkiye'ye gitmek istiyorum. Hangi belgeler gerekiyor?


Application for the Visa

By Barbara Muparadzi

Good day. I want to apply for the visa, I am a Zimbabwean hold a Zimbabwean Passport in the United Kingdom. What do I need to do for me to apply for the visa and what's needed and the fees. Thanks


Qustion about if i need visa

By Mhd Alaaeddin Olabi

Im a syrian citizen residing in sweden and i have a temporary residence and a syrian passport. Do i need a visa ton visit Turkey för tourism? if i need one so how can i get? what are the necessary precautions? thank you.


Visa information for Pakistani passport holder in Oman

By Hammad Malik

I need some guide line for Turkish visa. I am holding a Pakistani passport but living in Oman and running my own IT based business. Please let me know how can i apply for visa ? or i am eligible for e-visa or not?



Turkish Tourist Visa

By Mary Mellicent Kho


I am inquiring about a tourist visa for Turkey. I am a Filipino living here in Phnom Penh. Is there a different form that i can fill up when applying for Turkish visa? Do i need to ho to the Turkish embassy for this?

Thank you so much.


Article offer, will you please consider?

By Kurt

Hi there!

Isn't planning a surprise getaway for your partner just thrilling? It's all about bringing joy and excitement, creating unforgettable memories and shared adventures.

I'm really keen on writing an article for your site about this fun topic! It'll focus on planning the ultimate surprise trip for your partner.

Writing this piece would be an absolute blast for me. Would you be interested in featuring it on your site as a guest post?

Looking forward to your thoughts.


Kurt Brown of TravelTipTank.com

P.S. If my suggested topic doesn’t quite fit, feel free to share a few ideas that would be a better match for your website.


vissa info for usa green card holder

By abdul

I am a green card holder of U.S.A and originally from Afghanistan if you please send me the actual application for E-visa that I could procced with my advance tickets
happy to hear back from you!
thank you


Visa inquiry For myself (living in Poland) and my wife ( LIVING IN Bangladesh)

By Dipu Das

Could you please advise how to apply for a visa? I am living in Poland under a residence permit, and my wife is living in Bangladesh Can I apply on behalf of my wife, or does my wife need to apply on her own from Bangladesh territory?


E-visa eligibility for US Green card hold with Chinese passport


Hello, I have Chinese passport and U.S Green card. I'm living in the U.S. I plan to travel to Turkey.
Am i eligible for applying e-visa? What documents are required?


Traveling to Turkey for Canadian passport holder

By Sarhan

Hello there
I will be traveling to Turkey from Erbil, Iraq with the valid Canadian passport from January 18, 2025 to January 22, 2025 for tourism(only 4 days). Do I need to apply for visa or any type of visa prior to my arrival.


What Visa do I need and How can I apply for it?

By Cherry

I am an Indian citizen with Indian passport having a PR of Canada and living in Canada from 2 years. I plan to visit Turkey in the month of June or August along with my children who are 16years old. Please share the details about the visa I would need to visit Turkey for up to 12 days. I will be grateful. Thanks.


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Apply for Turkey eVisa