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Transit visa requirement for Turkey(less than 24 hours)

By Prasoon

Myself Prasoon, I am a citizen of India.
I have my flight from Berlin(Germany) to Mumbai(india) on 28th sept via Istanbul. The transit is of roughly 3 hours. Do I need a transit visa to enter Turkey?
I have a valid german student visa


Urgent Request for Return of Passport Before September 20, 2024

By Hassan Ashfaq

Dear Turkish consulate General ,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to kindly request the return of my passport with decision , which is currently being processed at your office since 21st August 2024

Due to a scheduled interview at the U.S. Embassy on 23rd September 2024, I urgently need my passport returned by September 20, 2024, at the latest. This interview is crucial for my travel plans, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance in expediting the return of my passport.

Please let me know if there are any additional steps I need to take or information I need to provide to facilitate this request.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Hassan Ashfaq
Passport no. JA1848822
Contract : +923016633882


Details on Transit eVisa

By Dinesh

I am a citizen of India but currently I am living in Italy. I have a flight from Italy to India which is transiting through Istanbul and the layover time in Istanbul is almost 9h. I have a valid Permesso di soggiorno (Residence Permit) with me. Do I still need to take transit visa for my travel?
Suggestions on this will be helpful.

Thanks and Regards,


visa travel enquiries

By Cinderella Keaikitse

Since Botswana citizens on transit DONT NEED visa, what am i supposed to do to travel? i will be joining a cruise ship in Kusadasi, and the ship will leave same day., so i just need to know if there is anything travel document i need from the Turkish embassy? thank you


Ingbjoern Arne Olsen Working Visa ready for collection

By ingbjørn Arne Olsen

I was told that my visa is ready to be collected.
Is there any special time during the day for visas? or can i just come there and get it during opening hour's

Brdgs Ingbjørn Olsen


Please return my money

By Samia Wasim

U have applied for Turkish e visa. O came to know that you are not legal entity to authorise the visa. Please return my money or I will take it to legal authorities in India. Thanks.


New application for lost passport

By Deniz

I am Turkish and I have both a student visa and a residence permit in Italy. However, during my trip to Amsterdam, all of my documents such as my Turkish ID card, passport, and Italian residence permit were stolen. I want to apply for a new passport. What do I need to do and when can I make an appointment at the consulate? All I have pdf of my visa, pdf of my Turkish identitiy card and a police report from the Amsterdam police stating that my belongings were stolen.


i cannot fill out my application

By abdelrahman mohamed

Hello dears i have booked for an appointment to apply turkey visa but when i entering the referens number they said in filled .and i was filled out on 21 jan 2024 to meet the embays team on 24/09/2024
my referens no/ 472156216864091


Insurance for traveling to Istanbul

By Ludy

I learnt an insurance is required for Hong Kong passport holder entering Istanbul , if a general travel insurance cr is accepted? Or I must apply the insurance as stated in the visa website online?


Enquiries about visa application

By Daniel Mintah Ofosu

Where can i submit my application in Ghana and do i have to book an appointment before going? If yes pls can you help me with the website to book the appointment?


police check clearance for Iranian lived in turkey

By Shady

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to enquire about how can I apply for police clearance. I am Iran citizen, living in Australia with student visa, and I lived 1 year in Turkey 2018-2019, and I need to get police clearance for being there. Could you please guide me?
Kind regards
Shady Fatemi zenouz


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Apply for Turkey eVisa