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Transit Visa - Egypt passport - 2 and half hours - no entry

By Sherif

As an Egyptian passport holder traveling via Turkish Airlines from Edinburgh to IST ( flght1346) then from IST to Egypt Flight(692). Transit time in total is 2 and half hours. No entry to Turkey is required.
As I understood:
1. Turkish airline operates out of the same terminal for arrivals and departures
2. I am not staying overnight
3. I am not passing through immigration (as i don't need entry to Turkey and would just stay in transit area)

Then , I don't need a transit visa. Is that understanding correct?


Viza applicationT4754974UDA

By Marija Ognenovski

Good afternoon. I have applied for viza , my application number is T4754974UDA, My arrival is tomorrow 1st of October, can you please let me know if you can proceed with my viza application.




Palestine state does not appear in the list of nationlities

By Lina


I'm trying fto fill an online application visa form, and Paestine state does not appear in the list of nationalities. Can someone help? I tried to contact the online help chat box, but no one is replying.


Application for an e visa

By Lilian Achola

Am a Ugandan (A00819200)currently residing in the United Kingdom with a valid British Residence permit . What link can I use to apply for a tourism visa?


Haiti not on the list

By jean guy pierre Louis

I want to apply for an e visa for Turkey . I will be on a cruise ship which will spend on day in Kusadasi. i cannot fin the name of my country Haiti on the list to be able to apply. What should i do?


Authorised signatory NOC provided by company without stamp stamp is it fine

By Rohit singh

I am working in MNC in India .Ideally the visa NOC provided by the company here is auto generated when we apply leaves . The HR head esigns the documents after validation of leaves and getting permissions from higher management . So there is no company stamp on the noc . Also they are not allowed to mention the salary employee is drawing on the noc letter . Is esign noc valid for turkey visa


tourism visa to istanbul to lebanese pasport

By amina

Hi, my name is Amina Ibrahim from Lebanon, I live in Qatar and I have a Qatari work ID and Lebanese passport.
my question is: can I travel to Istanbul without a visa like usual or is there news for Lebanese after the political situation?
because I have a reservation for a hotel and a ticket .
my other question is: my husband has a Lebanese passport also but he lives in Denmark, Does he need a tourism visa to enter Istanbul or not ?


Police clearance certificate

By George

Hi there, I arrived in Australia from Türkiye in 2017, I am Syrian citizen and have kimlik issued to me as a foreign ID. I need police clearance certificate from Türkiye, how can I get it please.
Thanks George


Visa process for my daughter.

By Hafizullah Majidi

I am Hafizullah Majidi was born on 18.01.1983. I am Afghan and living with my family in Bad Kreuznach city belonging to Maiz. I would like to have tourism visa for myself and other six members of my family including my wife and other five children. We all have update passports and as well as German residence permit but my smallest daughter which is about 2 years old and was born in Germany has German residence permit but German grey travelling passport. The question is: can I apply online visa for all including my smallest daughter or not. I would kindly request to you if possible to provide accurate information that I can process it. Best regards.


Application of E-VISA Qualification

By jesusa sekiguchi

I am Filipino citizen with Philippines Passport and residence of Philippines, I just want to confirm If I don't have valid Shengen, USA , UK or Ireland VISA is it possible to apply an E-VISA or i need to apply through Turkey Embassy directly? Hope for your kind consideration. Thank you.


Regarding E-Visa Application

By Chinmay Sanjay Agavekar

I am planning to travel to Turkey from 24 December 2024 to 2 January 2025 for tourism purposes. My current physical BRP is valid until 31 December 2024, but as per the new UK E-Visa system, physical BRP cards will no longer be valid from 1 January 2025. My E-Visa, however, is valid until 15 February 2027. In this case, when filling out the application, which document number should I provide, and what date should I use in the supporting documents section?


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Apply for Turkey eVisa