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Requesting Reason Of Visa Rejection From Turkey

By Gagandeep singh

Please tell me my visa rejection Reason



e-visa for my child who does not have residence permit card


I am a Bangladeshi national, currently living in Ireland.
As an adult, my wife and I have Irish residence permit cards, and we can fill in this information on the e-visa application form.
But, as per Irish immigration policy, my 4-yr old child does neither have any residence permit card nor visa, because minors just stay here on their parents' residence permit information, and even minors do not need a re-entry visa during this COVID period. So, on the e-visa form, while I am asked to fill in my child's residence permit or visa number, what information should I fill in?
I would be grateful if you could suggest me this matter.

Kind regards,

Upvote 1


Visa for travel document


Hi there
My husband has Uk indefinite and Uk refugee travel document does he needs visa? If so can we get e-visa? Kindly help as we are planning for next week!


Covid certificate


What I need to travel to Turkey from Egypt,


Send me the visa


The visa approved but not yet send


Requesting for rejection letter


Dear sir/madam

My full name is Abel Fekadu and I am from ethiopia. Before two months ago turkish embassy  rejected me to get a visa. Now, I want to refund my tuition fee because of some reasons and for that refund rejection letter is must provide for the university. Though when i am requesting a rejection letter from embassy they couldn't serve for me. Rather they informed  me to request you. So what I have to do? Thanks for your cooperation.  I will wait your positive response.

Best regards;


Visa to turkey


I have applied for visa to turkey 3 days ago and have not received any response yet.


multiple e visa


Hi! Can I apply for a multiple e Visa for Turkey ? On my way to the US from Manila, I will spend 3 days in Istanbul and on my return flight, I have a 16 hour layover in Istanbul. During that time, I plan to leave the airport. Or should I apply for 2 single entry visa?


Covid health insurance


I’m just inquiring if a health covid insurance is required when entering turkey


Turkish e visa


Do you know if a person with a biometric residence permit UK can travel to turkey with that alone ?
My husband's Nigerian passport has expired and cannot be renewed in time before were due to travel in one week


Payment getting declined


I’m applying for visa. I’m Indian citizen with indefinite visa living in UK London
Every time I’m making payment it’s getting declined , using UK bank card from santander bank . Tried different currency in USD, £ , etc but non working , it’s debit card.


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Apply for Turkey eVisa