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Transit eVisa for Turkey

By Saran Conde

I am Turkmenistan citizen traveling from USA to Turkmenistan via Istanbul with my US citizen child, do we both need a transit visa?


Transit Visa ZAG - MEX

By Danijel

family from Mexico flying from Zagreb, Croatia to Mexico City, Mexico thought Istanbul with Turkish Airline. My qeustion is if they need e-visa for connection at the airport cause THEY HAVE NO PLAN leave airport that day during trip.
Thank you.


Transit Visa enquiry Nigeria through Turkey to Kazakhstan

By Lekan

I intend to travel from Nigeria for a conference next week in Kazakhstan and I have booked Turkish airline as there is an available connecting flight from Istanbul to Astana, Kazakhstan.
Do I need to have transit visa?
Please treat as urgent .

Thank you.


Late time for visa processing

By Arshith jithendran

Dear sir/madam,

My name is Arshith. I plan to travel to Turkey on 20/09/2024 for the TTS conference, but I haven't received my visa and attached passport yet.


Error on e visa page

By Narayan

I’m a citizen of Iraq and I’m trying to apply for evisa, upon the requirements i have an schengen visa of Germany valid until March 2025, whenever I try to complete the application the errors below are showing up.
Invalid input. Please check the information below.
Supp. Doc. Expiry Date: -> < 13/03/2025
I’m entering the correct dates and information but whenever i press validate the error above are shown.
Your kind support is highly appreciated due to my travel on 20th of September 2024.



Airline support evisa

By Son nguyen

Evisa can fly with Turkish Airline. AJet is a brand of Turkish Airline, can i use evisa to fly with AJet?


Passport time of Validity

By Sri Karti Ningsih

I'm from Indonesia and I'm planning to go to Turkey next month. However I have only created my passport in April earlier this year, so it is only about 5 months old.

Can I enter Turkey for holiday purposes with such a passport?
Can you confirm or deny whether I would need a visa, health check-up results, a complete itinerary and a return ticket?

Thank you.


E-Visa for UK resident with Cameroon passport.

By Darrel Olongo Fongho Tekum

I have searched endlessly as to how i can get an e-visa as a Uk resident and a Cameroon passport holder but to no avail. Correct me if I'm wrong, does my UK Brp not qualify me for a conditional E-visa?


Klage om min visa søknad

By Helda Sabouni

Kjære herr eller fru 

Jeg har søkt om visa 02.09.2024.

Jeg har dessverre fått avslag på visa søknaden min. Jeg vil vite årsaken til avvisningen.

Jeg ser frem til å høre fra deg

Mine beste hilsener 

Helda Sabouni 


E visas application

By Abi Adeoye

I have a nigerian passport with a valid UK biometric resident card. Can I apply for Turkish evisa? I currently live in the UK with my British children


Transit visa for blue card in Germany

By Nikita Anand

I am Indian and currently staying in Germany with a Blue Card residence permit and want to travel to India. I was planning to take the separate tickets from Frankfurt to Turkey and then Turkey to India due to cheaper price and more baggage allowance. So it will be layover for 4 hours and I need to check in again after taking my luggage. I don't want to go out of the airport. Can you please confirm if I will need a transit visa?


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Apply for Turkey eVisa