Hjälp! Samordningsnummer.
By Batoul AchiHej, kära konsulat.
Jag hoppas detta mejlet når er. Mitt namn är Batoul Achi och jag skriver till er för jag har några frågor att ställa.
* Jag är svensk medborgare men bor i Libanon sen 2010. Är född och uppvuxen i Sverige men flyttade hit på grund av jobb. JAG har giltigt svenskt pass men min dotter har ett vilande samordningsnummer.
* Jag har ordnat alla papper som krävs för att förnya hennes samordningsnummer.
* Min fråga är så fort jag kan ta mig ur Libanon på grund av kriget som pågår, kan jag komma till er och ge er alla papper så no förnyar hennes samordningsnummer, eller måste jag ta mig till en ambassad?
Jag behöver all hjälp jag kan få vill ta min lilla dotter till säkerhet.
-Hittillsvarande har jag inte kunnat hitta plats på flyg är fortfarande på väntelistan.
Uppskattar all hjälp jag kan få. Om det finns några blanketter eller papper som jag måste fylla i var snälla och meddela mig så att jag kan ordna det så fort som möjligt.
Tack så mycket i förväg för all er hjälp. Väntar på eran svar.
Med vänliga hälsningar, Batoul Achi
(Kan kontaktas via mejl [email protected] )
Nummer : 00961 76088842
رسالة تظلم (إبتسام دبابش)
By Debabeche Ibtissamالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
سيدي السفير المحترم
أنا الموقعة أدناه، دبابش إبتسام، المولودة في 11 أكتوبر 1986 بسكرة، الجزائر. أمتلك جواز سفر رقم 307853827، الصادر بتاريخ 27 جويلية 2022 من حسين داي، الجزائر العاصمة. أنا زوجة خميسي الطيب، وقد وصلت إلى الأراضي التركية بتاريخ 20 سبتمبر 2022، ولدي إقامة سارية حتى 05 أكتوبر 2024 بمحلة يعقوبلو شارع رقم 134 بناء رقم 15 شقة رقم 07 بلدية بيلكدوزو ولايةاسطنبيول- تركيا.
أرسل لكم هذا التظلم آملةً أن أسترجع حقوقي التي انتُزعت مني بطريقة مدبرة منذ أشهر، دون إعلامي.
زوجي أرسلني إلى الجزائر لزيارة عائلتي بتاريخ 09 أوت 2024، وكنت جد سعيدة ،بعد أكثر من سنتين من الفراق. لكن الحقيقة أنه كان يدبر لعدم عودتي وحرماني من أبنائي. في 23 سبتمبر 2024، تلقيت محضر تكليف بالحضور إلى المحكمة بناءً على طلب زوجي للطلاق، بالإضافة إلى حضانة الأبناء. وقد أرسل لي بتاريخ 17 سبتمبر 2024 تصريح شرفي كتبه بنفسه، وطلب مني التوقيع عليه لمنحه حضانة الأولاد. لكن أحمد الله أنني أستطيع القراءة، وبهذا أدركت أنه يخطط لحرماني من العودة إلى أبنائي في هذا الوقت خاصةً أن إقامتي ستنتهي في 05 أكتوبر 2024 إضافة أن إقامتي معه لم يرد إعطائي إياها لو كانت معي لعدت لأبنائي بعد 10 أيام ، كما أعلمكم أنني لن أتخلى على حظانة أبنائي مادمت على قيد الحياة معي سيعيشون مكرمين.
وعليه، أطلب من سيادتكم حماية عائلتي التي تشتت. أنا في حالة انهيار شديد دون أبنائي، كما أطلب من سيادتكم تمديد إقامتي لكي يتسنى لي العودة لابنائي.
أشكركم على اهتمامكم ودعمكم.
مع خالص التحيات،
دبابش إبتسام
Turkish Visa for Egyptians
By AhmedHi,
Im Egyptian and i have a UAE residency and my family have the same (My wife and a child).
Is it possible to apply for e-visa or Visa on arrival? As we were planning to travel as tourists next Saturday 05th October 2024.
Your prompt response would be appreciated.
problem with request visa application
By MOHAMMEDDear colleages,
I'm Mohammed khadem from Algeria I am currently working a postdoc at the University of Calabria in Italy, and I would like to visit Turkey for medical reasons. However, when I requested a visa electronically, I found a problem with the visa application in the last step. There are conditions I did not understand (below 18 and over 35).
So for the researchers and doctors who are from Algeria, what was needed to obtain a visa electronically?
If that is not possible, can I request a visa application through Algeria Passport from the Turkish Embassy in Italy? or I must come back to Algeria and apply my request there.
Finally, I hope to accept my thanks and respect you.
Best regard.
Request for Turkish entry visa
By Shaif Khaled Saeed Al HakimiDear Sir ,
I had tourist residence permit expired on 2 nd September 2024 , I would like to have entry visa to go to Turkey..
Best regards
Request an appointment for a viza for my family
By Mohammad Feras AldasukiHello sir/madam;
Request a tourist viza for my perents to attend my engagement party.
MARIAM H.A.MAKY. Palestinian
I get them sponsored by my fiancees relatives .
I am of Dutch nationality.
best regards.
Sports trip to Turkey from Dubai - enquiring about NOC letters from parents for swimmers
By RachelHello, we are taking a group of swimmers on a swimming training camp from dubai to turkey. I just want to check that a NOC letter from parents is all that the kids need, and if that can be from any parent or the one that is on their residence visa?
By SALVATORY JOSEPHAT ANNEYHi I would like to apply for a tourist e-visa from Tanzania, but the system alert me that I have to visit the nearest Consulate. Will you help me with what I need, and where is the nearest consulate as I am in Tanzania.
Visit visa/Document list/Visa form
By Waseem AhmedWith respect, I am Omani resident Nationality Pakistan. I can apply online or through embassy please guide. Document list and visit visa form required. Thanks
About Transit Visa Requirement
By MonilI am leaving in Canada and have the Indian Passport, And I will be flying through the Detroit, USA airport, I have layover of 6hr in Istanbul, Do I required transit visa if I am not going out of airport?
Connecting a flight with Ghanaian passport and German residents permit.
By Rufai abubakarI'm a non-au citizen base in Germany I am connecting a flight in Istanbul to Ghana do I need a visa for that or not..
All Topics
- Tourism visa to Turkey
- Transit visa. I am a Syrian citizen and I have a Syrian passport and a residence permit in Germany. My husband is German and my daughter is German.
- Apply for Turkey Visa
- Transfer in Istanbul
- Visum till alanya eller antalya
- Transit visa inquiry
- Self transfer in connecting flight
- Visa Inquiries and requirements needed
- Iraqi nationality is not on country list
- Transit visa from the Bulgarian-Turkish border to Syria
- Visa required for cruise trip to Bodrum and Efes for HKSAR passport holder?
- Do I Require a Transit Visa for Overnight stay IST airport
- Student visa or E visa
- Medical visa from the UK
- Are visa needed for canadians
- Türkiye için transit vize
- About refund of E Visa Application fee
- Tourist visa related query
- E-visa requirements- Airlines?
- E-Visa and Schengen Visa Validation
- E visa 3 month need with come with the family 5 people
- Evisa eligibility check
- Transit visa for Armenians
- Turkey eVisa with new UK evisa replacing BRP/ILR
- Request for Turkey Tourist visa
- Confused with the document
- Connection flight at Istanbul airport
- Issue with Document Submission for Turkish Visa Application
- E-visa needed for US citizen one night stay
- Transit Visa Question
- Applying for a visa. From Nigeria but live in the USA with a green card.
- Citizenship application
- RFI about Turkey EVISA
- Visa apply for favorite country
- Transit visa for Official Indian passport
- Complaint Regarding Visa Fees for Nepali Citizens
- Beschwerde bezüglich der Visumskosten für nepalesische Staatsbürger
- Electronic online visa help
- Electronic online visa help
- Electronic online visa help
- Inquiry About E-Visa Eligibility for Palestinian Nationals
- Resande Turkiet for 90 dagar efter
- My quastion is about if I need to apply for a visa in turkey for transit
- How to apply my student visa?
- Subject: Visa Inquiry for Iraqi Passport Holder
- Clarification on Entry to Turkey with Valid e-Visa and Schengen Visa
- Tourist visa for Indonesian
- Please Explain Why My Visa Refused?
- Turkey e Visa for Indian Passport holder having valid e-visa for UK
- Expire Uk Brp travelling to Turkey
- Appointment for Visa
- With E-visa can i join in ship from turkey port
- Payment of evisa in pounds sterling
- Question about the e-visa
- Visa to Turkey for Palestinians travel document
- Inquiry About Supporting Document for Turkish eVisa – UK eVisa Holder
- I will explain in the description list about my topic, knowing that I hold Yemeni citizenship.
- I need a visa travelling to Turkey in 10 days
- How to add a additional document number because in uk everyone brp is expired on 31/12/2024 but i still have valid visa in uk
- Inquiry About Turkish e-Visa with UK Digital Immigration Status
- Eligibility to enter Turkey for Egyptian Child tourist
- Apply for important documents related to residence in turkey
- Visa requirment for Tanzanian passport holders with green card and UK ILR
- Inquire on Transit visa for seafarers & Tourist visa
- Change your address to 29 floor
- Request for Tourist Visa Application Form
- Visa to study in north Cyprus
- Visit Visa Application
- Online visa credibility
- Power of attorney for closing a LLC
- Ilr stamp in passport. E visa
- Visa requirement for only being in transit
- Visa Requirement Question
- Power of Attorney notarized or legalized
- Do I need a transit visa in SAW airport
- Urgent Confirmation: Validity of Issued E-Visas
- E-visa for UK BRP holder
- Cruise from Greece to turkey
- Brp as supporting document but it expired on 31 of dec 2024
- UK BRP is now e-visa
- UK BRP and evisa sharecode
- Applying for a tourist visa .
- Entering turkey with uk visa
- Surname missing in passport
- Help to refund my fees from university
- I am holding a Chinese passport and will be taking a 7-day cruise that stops in Turkey, Do I need visa?
- Request for Information on Citizenship by Marriage Application
- Nomad visa application
- Visa application time before arrival
- Visit visa for dutch residence permit
- Inquiry Regarding Travel Documents for Turkey
- Visa I want to know about visa application
- Tansit Visa for Ghanaian Passport with Canadian Permanent resident
- UK evisa new system in 2025
- Business Visa Application
- Visa Document for Indonesian Citizen
- E visa for Egyptians
- Visa requirements while for a student in Europe
- About get visa online (this is the fourth time visit turkey)
- EU applicant seeking to work from turkey for 1 week
- Student visa from Egypt
- إستفسار عن تأشيرة للجنسية التشادية المقيمين بمصر
- Moroccan women married to a turkey man who hit her and her kids and she need urgent help for her life.
- BRP will expire on 31st December 2024
- E-Visa requirment for Oman Resident from Pakistan
- Requriments for official delegation
- About Visa application
- Do I need Visa requirements
- Turkiye e visa: Expired BRP, Will share code work
- Regarding supportive documents
- Turkey visa- transit visa and visitor visa
- Apply for visa for me with Ivorian passport
- Travel passport from Sweden
- Visa Free Stay For Maldivians
- Transit visa to transit through Istanbul Airport
- Enquête Pour faire le voyage
- UK BRP Valid until april 2025
- Query for reason of rejecting my visa
- Visa enquiry for Turkish evisa application
- Unable to complete visa application from UK
- Lost Passport in Mexico
- Tourist visa for turkey
- Tourist visa. thanks
- Visa type enquiry and eligibility for visa upon arrival
- Inquiry About Travel Requirements for Protected Person with Travel Document
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- Indian passport with UK visa
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- Any job with any salary
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- Turkey visa from uk.
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- UK e-visa to get Turkey visa.
- Inquiry About Diploma Approval Update
- Visa processing time required for transit visa
- Uk BRP holders having an UK Evisa
- Country Not Listed for E Visa
- Help regarding transit visa
- E visa information for connect flight
- Self transfer from UK to Saudi Arabia, but I will transfer in Turkey
- Gecici pasaport islemleri yapak icin
- Transit through Istanbul and passport expires in 5 months
- Clarification Regarding Turkey Visa Application
- Tourist visa for turkey
- Apply to get visa to Bosnia and Herzégovina
- Turkey visitor/tourist visa
- Requirments for eVisa for Turkey
- Regarding turkeys e visa
- While participating, please do not share any personal information as your co
- Kind Request for Turkey EVisa
- Jobs offer invite letter
- Urgent Request for Assistance with Visa Application - Lost Passport
- Order ID: T1894372PUD
- Visa extension of 2 days
- Extension of visa expiring on 01 feb 2025
- Transit Visa for flights less than 8 Hr layover
- B1 and a2 Visa (Hello, I am having Pakistani passport living in Germany. I get always b1 visa with single entry, but I want to have A2 visa multiple entry visa how should I get this?
- Türkiye'ye tıbbi vize danışmanı
- Application for the Visa
- Qustion about if i need visa
- Visa information for Pakistani passport holder in Oman
- Turkish Tourist Visa
- Article offer, will you please consider?
- Vissa info for usa green card holder
- Visa inquiry For myself (living in Poland) and my wife ( LIVING IN Bangladesh)
- E-visa eligibility for US Green card hold with Chinese passport
- Traveling to Turkey for Canadian passport holder
- What Visa do I need and How can I apply for it?
- Solicitud de información
- Reimbursement of turkey visa
- Refusal of My Family Visa
- Visa Cost for filipino From Oman
- Passport number wrong
- E visa application for iraqi passport
- How to Apply for E-Visa if BRP is expired
- Turkey Transit Visa Enquiry
- Transit from Istanbul Airport to Sabiha Gokcen Airport
- Online transit visit application
- About transit visa. i have a trasit flight in Turkey
- Refuse my father business visa
- Related to uk e-visa
- Uganda citizen with schengen visa
- Visa Touristique pour Turquie
- Greencard holder application.
- BRP expiry and UK e visa permitted or not
- BRP and expiry e visa
- BRP expiry 31st of December, but validity through e-visa share code is till 2027
- BRP expiration day on 31st of December but home office says it is valid till 31st of March what should I put
Other Info
- Turkey Visas for Tourism, Business Purposes
- Apply for Turkish Student Visa
- Turkey Work Visa or Work Permit
- Turkey Transit Visa
- Turkey Residence Permit
- Turkish Visa
- E Visa of Turkey
- Visa for Turkey US Citizen
- Turkey Visa for Pakistani
- Electronic Visa Turkey
- Turkey Travel Visa
- Visa on Arrival Turkey
- US Citizen Travel to Turkey
- Chinese Embassy Turkey
- Visa for Turkey From Canada
- Visa Required for Turkey
- Visa Transit Turkey
- Turkey Transit Visa for US Citizens
- Form for Entry to Turkey
- Turkey Visa for US
- Visa Requirements for Turkish Citizens
- Need Urgent Turkey Visa?
- Turkey Visa Information
- Turkey Essential Guidelines for U.S. Citizens
- US Visa for Turkey
- Passport for Turkey
- Turkey Visa Online
- Turkey Visa for Indian
- Turkish Visit Visa
- Visa Application Form Turkey
- E Visa Turkey Cost
- Tourist Visa to Turkey
- Visa Application to Turkey
- Apply Visa to Turkey
- Traveling to Turkey From Canada
- Getting a Visa for Turkey
- Visa Cost Turkey
- Turkey Visas for Tourism, Business Purposes
- Kenya E Visa
- eVisa Kenya Online
- Kenya Online Visa
- Kenya e-Visa
- Kenya Entry Requirements
- Kenya Visa Requirements for US Citizens
- Kenya Visa for US Citizens
- Vaccines For Kenya
- Yellow Fever Vaccine Kenya
- Yellow Fever Certificate Kenya
- Vaccinations Required For Kenya
- Kenya Transit Visa
- Kenya Multiple Entry Visa
- Kenya Business Visa
- Kenya E Visa Fees
- Kenya eVisa Cost
- Kenya evisa Application
- Kenya Online Visa Application
- Kenya evisa Processing Time
- Kenya Visa on Arrival
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