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Hasta annemi Türkiye'de tedavi etmek için Türkiye'ye giriş vizesi verilmesi konusunda yardım talep ediyorum


Merhaba efendim, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri'nin Dubai merkezinden Türkiye'ye turist vizesi başvurusunda bulundum. Başvurum üst üste üçüncü kez reddedildi. Şartları yerine getirdiğimi biliyorum. Annem hasta ve Türkiye'de hastanede yatıyor. Sizden bu insani durumda yardım etmenizi rica ediyorum. Size ve değerli ülkenize çok teşekkürler, takdir ve saygılar. Bu, reddedilen yeni başvuru numarasıdır. : 0000002678235


visa electronic

By mahmoud

when i apply for visa electronic i couldn't find "Palestine" as an country


Montage Visa Status | Urgent and Critical feedback required

By Amr Ahmed Mohamed Sabri Ahmed

Hello Dears,
I hope this message finds you well.

Kindly I need your urgent support, I submitted my Montage visa application on the 12th of June at VisaFT VFT Hannover (Reference number DEDEHN2406120001) and since then the status has shown (waiting to be sent to the Turkish Consulate) and just today changed to (has been sent to the Turkish Consulate). Considering that I have to travel to Turkey for a business trip on the 1st of July, I have a 2-day travel before that for an emergency family condition on maximum next Friday 28.06.2024.
I asked the VFT representative if I could pay extra for an express fast service and he said it is not available for the Montage visa and normally it takes around 2 weeks and now it is 2 weeks already and the status changed to sent to the consulate just today.

please your urgent support is highly required and appreciated, it is really a critical situation.

Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Best Regards,


Travel Agency visa application enquiry

By Hajiya Hafsat Usman

Good day, Please kindly furnish my travel agency (2Maina Travel & Tours Ltd) your visa application for clients through our travel agency. Thank you


Attempt to get information from the Turkish Embassy in Lisbon

By Christopher Bochmann

I have to get a declaration to show that I do not have Turkish nationality. I have been trying to get this document since February. I cannot pursuade anyone to give me the information I require - that is "where and how can I get this documentation?" Any assistance would be welcome. Thank you.


visa application status

By abdulrahman msomi

I would like to request visa status as I travel next Wednesday. my reference code is 472159010792654. please assist that matter in urgency. my phone number is 07918528359


Amazing content thoughts to your blog

By Alex Mary


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Let me know your decision about the category you have chosen and discuss the price with it.

Significant: On the off chance you have additional sites to the table, kindly send a sites list along with costs.

If you have any questions please contact me here skype id: Jana.Gloeckner

Thanks & Regards."


I am inquiring about the transit visa.

By jinyoung


I am inquiring about the transit visa.
Is it possible to enter and leave Turkey with a vehicle?

Buying a vehicle in Georgia. And will do a European road trip, including Turkey.
※My car document, I don't have a permit to stay in Georgia


Work visa for Turkey

By Gheorghe Galusca

Good Day,
I kindly ask you send the link to download the correct visa application for work permit in Turkey.
Best Regards, Gheorghe Galusca


Type Of Supporting Document Section

By Jitendra Singh

I am applying for E-Visa for conference in Instalbul from the 3-7th of July, However during my application i met one option to select the type of supporting document whether Visa or Resident permit and all the countries listed are EU countries and United States. Kindly advice on the way forward as the website clearly indicates Indian passport holders are eligble to the e-Visa application.


Question about visit visa application for Yemeni citizen

By Sanad Bakil

I would like to inquire about requirments and steps to apply for a visit visa for a Yemeni citizen who is curently a resedent in China-Shanghai


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Apply for Turkey eVisa