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Evisa with a uk residence permit

By Fanchèreh Fares

I’m from Ivory Coast, and I hold an ordinary passport from Ivory Coast. I live in the UK with a resistance permit.
Can I apply for a e-visa for Turkey?
Best regards,


E-visa for Turkey from South Africa. Days allowed in total

By Robert Wellman

Please be so kind to advise. I am battling to fine clarity.
I am from South Africa and have a multi entry e-visa for Turkey valid from 15Dec 2022 till 12 June 2023. "Duration of stay" says 30 days.
Does that mean a TOTAL of 30 days across all of the multiple entries, or does it mean it a maximum of 30 days PER multiple entry?
Thanks a ton, in advance
Rob Wellman


Urgent : E-Visa

By Liliane Missouma Mvogo

Dear all

I have a cameroonian passport with a one-year schengen visa
I need to travel to Istanbul on the 25th of february and i am not allowed to ask for a e-visa

Could you help me in this matter ?

Thank you


Fragen zu besprechen

By Fares

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich bin ein deutscher Staatsbürger und plane eine Touristenreise nach Türkei, bei der ich auch eine Haartransplantation durchführen möchte. Ich habe gehört, dass ich möglicherweise Probleme bei der Einreise haben könnte, da ich bei einer früheren Reise von Türkei nach Griechenland ohne Stempelung meines Reisepasses ausgereist bin. Können Sie mir bitte sagen, welche Dokumente ich benötige, um nach Türkei einzureisen und ob ich wegen meiner früheren Ausreise ohne Stempelung eine Strafe zahlen muss? Wenn ja, wie kann ich diese Strafe vor meiner Reise bezahlen?

Außerdem würde ich gerne einen Termin mit Ihnen vereinbaren, um weitere Fragen zu besprechen. Wie kann ich einen solchen Termin vereinbaren?

Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Turkish visit visa for pakistani national NOT having Schengan/UK/US visa

By Murtaza Altaf Rajbhoy

Hello SIr/Madam

I am a pakistani national currently working in Oman on a work visa. I currently do not have a valid UK/US/Schengen visa.

Can you advise process to apply for tourist/visit visa in this case for Pakistani passport holder

Warm Regards
Murtaza Altaf


Do I require a visa for turkey if my transit stop is in turkey

By Yash Thakur

I am an Indian Citizen living on a student visa in UK. I will be booking my flight from Birmingham to India. The transit stop is at Istanbul Airport. Will I require a visa for the transit time in Turkey ?


Turkey Tourist visa

By Syed Raheem Shah

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a permanent resident of Canada holding Pakistani passport. I am living and working in Canada and wants to visit Turkey with my family for tourism. What is the procedure to get the tourist visa for Turkey from Canada


Enquiry About Turkey visa

By Khair Gul

Dear Sir/Madame,

My name is Khair Gul and my nationality is from Afghanistan .

I came in 2019 to the United Kingdom so I have BRP visa .
Moreover, I would like to visit Turkey next month. Please could you send me some information about Turkey visa .
Do I need Turkey visa or not ?

I look forward to hearing from you

Kind regards

Khair Gul


Completing visa application online

By John Rock

I am directed to enter the identification (characters in both boxes) but there is only one box. I enter the characters from that box. I receive a message “sorry you have not completed your selections. I have already filled in the info about country and travel document. I cannot proceed with the application.



I want to book an appointment

By Asad Naeem

I am basically from pakistan and living in Dubai, i want to go to Istanbul for vacation i want to book an appointment for my visa process on 25th January.


Possible return to Turkey at the end of the 180 day period after the first entrance.

By Matteo Locatelli

Good morning,
I'm Matteo Locatelli and I would like to ask a question regarding the possible return to Turkey at the end of the 180 day period after the first entrance.
I received conflicting information at the port of Bodrum, at the time of my embarkation for Kos. I'd like to clarify.

Briefly. I entered Turkey from Bulgaria on 15 August 2022.
I have spent in total 85 days in Turkey, up to the day of my departure to Kos on 18th January 2023. (I have been in Georgia 2 months in this period).
I would therefore have another 5 days to spend in Turkey before February 15th, the date on which the 180-day period that began on August 15th ends.

My question is, after February 15th does a new 180 day period open in which I can stay another 90 days in Turkey?
Or do I have to stay out of Turkey for 6 months? (thing I was told at passport control in Bodrum)

Thanks in advance for your reply.


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Apply for Turkey eVisa